Position: Project manager at Hello There.
Invector is back with a new music catalogue, new worlds and a story about friendship. The new game sets sail on Steam at first with consoles to follow.

My role in this project was to lead the creative team to reiterate on a previous successful game concept but now full with new content. We wanted to bridge the two games together, give something to the original fans to recognize and feel familiar with but at the same time give new players a hint that there is a heritage that they can explore in the previous game. This bridge was done within the story where the conclusion linking the two games. Besides working with a new music catalogue we wanted to explore new environments to give the players new vistas to experience the music. A arid desert planet, a Atlantis inspired world and finally a dark misty canyon like planet were added to the universe.
Content vise I did some in-game animations, in-game cutscenes, the credits sequence and gameplay trailers that were used during launch.
This project was a blast to work on and I am humble to work along such a professional team.
Currently available on Steam PC